Sneha Care💛

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If you focus on the hurt you will continue to suffer; if you focus on the lesson you will continue to grow.

12 Therapists Here To Help

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(+1) 3322 176 301

The Best Way Out Is Always Through

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But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actualhappiness. 

Kate Brown


We've Helped People Just Like You

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Katherine Gold
2020 Pacient

Meet Sneha Team


Jonathan GARRETT,

M.Sc (Counseling Psychology), MPH

Jonathan is a counselor with a background in public health and education. Teaching graduate and undergraduate students in Thailand led him to pursue counseling psychology, in order to give time and space to individuals experiencing periods when they feel overwhelmed. Jonathan works with individual adults as well as couples and has interests in personality disorders and cross-cultural issues that may raise a need for counseling. Trained in Schema Therapy, he incorporates analysis of early life experience and unmet emotional needs into an existential and person-centered approach. Jonathan conducts counseling in English.

Leakena SENG


Leakena is a psychologist with over 5 years of experience working as a counselor with professional organizations treating people with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and trauma, as well as issues arising from domestic violence, abuse, education, work, love and family. 

As a counselor, Leakena identifies clients’ psychology and vulnerabilities, and empowers individuals to learn to solve their own problems. They know themselves and know what strengths they can draw on to create solutions. 


Metta OUL


Metta OUL had been working as a clinical social worker in a hospital and currently is working as a counselor in a non-governmental organization for 5 years. She works to empower her clients and promote mental health well-being. She rehabilitates the functionality of individuals and families and reconciles the broken relationships between them. Metta believes that listening from the heart helps in the healing process and she believes that every person has their own unique talent.


Center Coordinator and assistant to Founding Director.

Dane HIENG has recently joined Sneha as a Center Coordinator and assistant to Founding Director. She brings previous experience as a receptionist and hospitality staff from two private organizations to Sneha. She is currently studying for her bachelor’s degree. In the last two years she has been interested in finding herself and finding a fulfilling career that she loves and that can serve other people. This has brought her to realize her interest in individual and family well-being and in the mental health field, and has led her to join Sneha Centre.


Sotheary YIM

MA in Clinical and Counseling Psychology

Sotheary is an accomplished psychologist, organizational coach and peacebuilder. Her work is at the intersection of trauma, healing and reconciliation, with a specific focus on resilience and growth. Sotheary created Sneha center as a space for people to meet with therapists, coaches and peers to find the intersection and connect their crises with healing and reconciliation, so they realize and utilize their full potential.
